Copy Files to Azure Storage Container

This story will help you to understand how to copy large files to azure storage containers using azcopy command.

Create Azure Storage Container

  1. Open Azure Portal:
  2. Select Storage Accounts:

3. Create Storage Account

Download azcopy command utility in your local

PS> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -OutFile ''

PS> Expand-archive -Path '.\' -Destinationpath '.\'

PS> cd .\azcopy_windows_amd64_10.14.1\

Use the azcopy and SAS URL copied to upload the file

PS> azcopy copy "<Path of File or Folder to Copy>" "<Copied SAS URL>" --recursive=true



Prince Pereira

Senior Software Engineer - Microsoft | SDN | Java | Golang | DS & Algo | Microservices | Kubernetes | Docker | gRPC & Protocol Buffer