Deploying AKS from Powershell

Prince Pereira
Aug 13, 2022

Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) allows you to quickly deploy a production ready Kubernetes cluster in Azure. The following are the set of commands which will help you to bring up a K8S cluster in Azure.


  • Docker service installed
  • azure cli installed
  • git installed
  • Visual Studio Code installed
  • Valid azure account and subscription


  1. Build Image
  2. Push images to azure container registry
  3. Create Kubernetes Cluster
  4. Deploy application in Kubernetes
  5. Scale the application
  6. Update the application
  7. Upgrade Kubernetes Cluster
  8. SSH access to VM/AKS Node


  • Linux Node AKS Cluster: Link
  • Windows Node AKS Cluster: Link



Prince Pereira

Senior Software Engineer - Microsoft | SDN | Java | Golang | DS & Algo | Microservices | Kubernetes | Docker | gRPC & Protocol Buffer